embroidery pendants on goimagine

Lis Makes Embroidery Pendants Featured on Goimagine Front Page!

I’m so excited to share that my embroidery pendants have been featured on the front page of Goimagine! This is a huge honor, and I’m so grateful to the Goimagine team for choosing my work.

I’ve only been a member of Goimagine for a month, but I’ve already been impressed with their commitment to helping makers succeed. They offer a variety of tools and resources to help makers promote their work, and they’re always looking for new ways to connect makers with buyers.

I’m particularly excited about Goimagine’s commitment to marketing and advertising. They allocate a percentage of the fees that makers pay to go towards marketing and advertising, which helps makers get their work seen by more people. This is a huge help for small businesses like mine, which don’t have the resources to invest in marketing on their own.

I’m also grateful for the opportunity to be featured on Goimagine Instagram account. This has given my work even more exposure.

I’m so proud to be a part of the Goimagine community, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for this amazing marketplace.

embroidery pendants on goimagine

Why I’m Excited to Be Featured on Goimagine

There are a few reasons why I’m so excited to be featured on Goimagine. First, it’s a great opportunity to get my work seen by more people. Goimagine has a growing audience, and I’m confident my work will be well-received.

Second, being featured on Goimagine is a great way to build my brand. Goimagine is a respected marketplace, and being featured on their site will help me to establish myself as a credible maker.

Finally, being featured on Goimagine is a great way to connect with other makers. Goimagine has a thriving community of makers, and I’m excited to have the opportunity to meet and learn from other creative people.

How Goimagine Is Helping Makers

Goimagine is doing a lot to help makers succeed. In addition to featuring makers’ work on their site and social media, Goimagine also offers a variety of tools and resources to help makers promote their work. These tools include:

  • A marketing and advertising platform that helps makers reach more buyers
  • A blog with tips on how to market and sell handmade goods

Goimagine is also committed to giving back to the community. All profits from Goimagine go to charity, and the company also offers a variety of ways for makers to get involved in social good.

Why I’m Staying on Goimagine

I know some people have left Goimagine because they haven’t been able to get as many sales as they would like. However, I’m committed to staying on Goimagine for a few reasons.

First, I believe in the mission of Goimagine. Having a marketplace dedicated to helping makers succeed is important, and I want to support that mission.

Second, I think Goimagine is still growing. I believe that the marketplace has the potential to be even more successful in the future, and I want to be a part of that success.

Finally, I support the Goimagine charity cause, and I like to think I am giving back in small ways I can afford.

I’m so thrilled to be featured on Goimagine! I believe this is a great opportunity for my work, and I’m grateful to the Goimagine team for choosing my work. I’m also committed to staying on Goimagine, and I believe that the marketplace has the potential to be even more successful in the future.

If you’re a maker, I encourage you to check out Goimagine. It’s a great marketplace with a lot to offer makers. And if you’re not a maker, I encourage you to check out the makers’ work on Goimagine. There’s some amazing talent on the site!

Use Code EOURP5 to Get a Free Month of Goimagine Membership

If you’re interested in signing up for Goimagine, please use the code EOURP5 to get a free month of membership. This code will also benefit me, so thank you in advance!

I’ve Only Been With Goimagine for a Month

I’ve only been with Goimagine for a month, but I’m already impressed with the platform. They have a great selection of handmade, and I hope they continue to grow.

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