featured on goimagine

My Heart is Full: Featured on Goimagine

I am thrilled to share with my readers an exciting milestone in my creative journey: I have been featured on Goimagine! This blog post is a heartfelt expression of the joy and gratitude I feel as my work and passion have been recognized by the Goimagine community.

featured on goimagine

The Journey to Goimagine

My journey as a maker has been a remarkable one, filled with inspiration, hard work, and the pursuit of creating beautiful, meaningful pieces. Being featured on Goimagine’s platform is a testament to the dedication and love I pour into each of my creations.

Read the full article here!

featured on goimagine

The Goimagine Community

Goimagine is more than just a marketplace; it’s a community of artisans and customers who appreciate and support handmade, artisanal, and sustainable products. It’s where creativity thrives, and the spirit of craft is celebrated.

Read the full article here!

featured on goimagine

The Feature

Being featured on Goimagine is an honor that I hold dear. It’s an opportunity to showcase my creations, tell my story, and connect with a broader audience that appreciates the value of handmade and unique items.

In the feature article, you can learn more about the inspiration behind my work, the creative process, and the values that drive my brand. I’ll share insights into the challenges I’ve overcome and the moments of triumph in my creative journey.

Read the full article here!

featured on goimagine

Getting to Know Me

In addition to my creations, the feature provides a personal touch, allowing you to get to know the person behind the art. I’ll share my passion for crafting, the joy I find in creating products that resonate with my customers, and the inspirations that have guided me throughout my creative career.

featured on goimagine

This feature on Goimagine is not just a recognition of my work; it’s a celebration of the art of making and the community that supports it. I am immensely grateful for this opportunity and the chance to share my creations and story with a broader audience.

Read the full article here!

Thank you for being a part of my journey, and I look forward to the exciting adventures ahead as I continue to create and share my passion with the world through Goimagine.


Shop Lis Makes Products!


EDIT: Regretfully, we have closed our shop at Goimagine as of April 2024.


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